Join Anna Breytenbach and Brad Laughlin in this call to the heart

Six-module course and home practices to enjoy at your own pace


 Watch the video below for details

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This six-module online course is a guide to deepening your clarity, love and communication with the natural world. Please join us on this journey into greater presence and reverence as we explore conscious connection.

Benefits You Will Receive

  • Guidance to help you quiet the mind, listen and enhance your intuition
  • Exercises to help you live in ever-increasing states of heart-centeredness
  • Deeper understanding of interspecies communication
  • Inspiration and resources for creating inner and outer change in your life
  • Simple yet powerful techniques to become clearer and more balanced

What You'll Get

  • Six pre-recorded video modules of Anna and Brad teaching; approximately 20 minutes each
  • Simple, practical, powerful home practices
  • Three guided meditation audio recordings


Each of the six course modules are taught by Anna and Brad as video recordings which you can stream. Each module includes a PDF download with a home practice and three of the six modules have an additional downloadable audio guided meditation. Participate and practice at a pace and timing that suits you.

Module One

What's Love Got To Do With It?

We remove veils that cloud our perception so that we may live less in seeming separation and more in love and connection. By following a path to open our hearts, we experience benefits both internally and externally.

Module Two

Moving Beyond Limitation

Simple, powerful techniques for developing inner peace and a quieter mind. Through practising greater neutrality and deeper compassion, our intuition becomes much clearer and we live beyond previous limitations.

Module Three

Telepathic Communication Review

Anchoring our understanding of what real respect for others looks like in attitude and action. A simple step-by-step process to connect telepathically brings us into alignment with direct communication in unconditional love.

Module Four

The Heart Of The Matter

As caring beings we are naturally inclined towards service to others, constantly putting our love into action. This requires navigating through complexities. Using a profound journaling technique, we find more balance.

Module Five

Let's Get Real

Examining common patterns and unconscious projections, we recognize that all beings have incarnated to express their own purpose. We come alive to the privilege of sharing this beautiful journey with them in their fullness.

Module Six

Blessings Of Nature

Exploring our reciprocity with the more-than-human world, we are called to live increasingly in natural states of being. We are guided to embody qualities of presence, authenticity, truth and harmony for the highest good of all.



Three Downloadable Guided Meditations

We have pre-recorded three specially designed meditations to help you still your mind, connect with nature and learn how to listen to the telepathic communication that is always happening in the natural world. Made specifically for course attendees to enjoy calm meditative listening.

Downloadable PDF Practices

We have prepared some very deep and practical processes to help you clear the channels for intuitive communication. Throughout the course you are supported by these home practices specifically designed to guide you along the path toward unconditional love.


  • No prior experience with animal communication is necessary to participate
  • You will have full access to the teaching module videos for six months from date of purchase
  • The home practice audio recordings and documents are yours to download and keep


"I've gained a new appreciation for my own innate place on this Earth and how I can contribute in a helpful way without the ego getting in the way. The course was liberating."

"I really value the way the course was set up - clear, uncluttered, focused but infused with warmth and care. And I found both Anna and Brad's personal stories and examples very moving and amazing."

"Mind expanding. Soul calming. A sense of hopefulness for our future world."

"As a result of this course, I have started softening into the deep love that I am and it's beginning to ooze out to other beings around me. I feel like I'm finally on the right path and I cannot thank you both enough."

"Perhaps most helpful was the awareness of how to clear my own egoic conditioning, projections and shadow aspects of myself. The beautiful meditations are completely helpful as well. I just loved the whole course! I feel more capable of opening my heart space."

"My biggest learning shift was in the examination of presence, authenticity, truth and harmony. True blessings. I can already 'feel' the difference in my approach to interspecies communications. So thankful to be able to receive these lessons."

"I learned the need to calm the mind and understand the pre-conditioning that gets in the way of clear communication. Trying to be a neutral witness. Aiming to live in a state of openness and curiosity to receive any information from other species."

For questions not answered below, contact [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Anna Breytenbach is an internationally acclaimed professional interspecies communicator with over 20 years’ experience. Native to South Africa and currently based in Europe, she mentors and consults globally. Her focus is on conservation projects such as ecological restoration, predator and primate rehabilitation, wildlife management, cetacean research and sacred activism.
Anna’s passion is raising awareness and advancing the relationships among human and nonhuman animals, on both the personal and spiritual levels. Her work is the subject of the documentary movie "The Animal Communicator”, watched by millions of people (and a few of their pets), available on YouTube.
As a spiritual teacher for over two decades, Brad Laughlin’s dedication is to the transformation of consciousness and to helping people discover inner peace, love and joy amidst profound world change. He facilitates developing these qualities through unique, potent, self-inquiry practices which open the heart and foster connection with the natural world.
Brad believes that the greatest gift we can give the world is our own awakened consciousness and that global change can happen through individual willingness to change. He is the author of Living With Enlightenment — A Journey of Love, and with his life-partner, Leslie Temple-Thurston, is co-founder of the nonprofit