
Online Enlightenment Studies

You are not the egoic personality, the conditioned mind, the body, the separate self.
You are Divine, eternal, changeless, a luminous being of light.
—Leslie Temple-Thurston

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Are you ready to discover your soul’s highest purpose?
Do you want to live your life with a fully opened heart and a deeper level of inner peace?
Would you like to experience greater meaning, purpose and ever-increasing joy?

Studying With CoreLight Is an Invitation to

  • Discover your own limitless potential
  • Awaken to the Truth of who you are—which is Love
  • Open up to new dimensions of consciousness
  • Recognize that your spiritual life and your worldly life are one and the same
  • Experience that the ultimate fulfillment of the spiritual journey is joy

What You’ll Receive

  • Timeless spiritual principles and ancient truth teachings—revamped for the modern, material world
  • Tools, guidance and inspiration to assist you on your path of Self-discovery
  • Simple yet powerful techniques for healing limiting, destructive patterns
  • Easy methods of accessing greater states of peace, love and joy
  • Books, audios, videos and virtual gatherings
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Spiritual Warrior Training

Awaken Your Limitless Potential

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The New Paradigm of the Heart

Transcending Victim-Tyrant Consciousness

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Future Courses

The Marriage of Spirit: Enlightened Living in Today’s World

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O Novo Paradigma do Coração: Transcendendo a Consciência Vítima-Tirano

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Spiritual Core Balancing

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Enhanced Self-Discovery

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Waking the Yin Warrior

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When we believe we are the ego, or personality, we miss out on so much. We limit and compartmentalize everything and end up believing that our spiritual life is separate from everyday life—from our work, money, relationships, sexuality, body, nature and the world. Yet it is possible to adopt a different perspective. We can integrate all aspects of worldly life into our spiritual journey and discover that our worldly life IS our spiritual journey. CoreLight’s courses support this integration.

The commitment to know the truth of who we are leads us on an extraordinary journey of discovering, evolving and becoming our own inner divinity. The journey is the path of Self-discovery. Self with a capital S, as opposed to self with a lower-case s, implies the essence that we truly are, beyond the confines of the ego—not something separate and outside of us, but within us.

The ultimate fulfillment of the journey of Self-discovery is joy. We invite you to join us and discover ever-deepening levels of peace, love and joy in your life.

Spiritual Warrior Training